BUBBLES | Champion Rowemaris Champagne On Ice [AI]
☆ Bubbles Pedigree ☆ |
- Bubbles has been DNA profiled ~ enabling genetic identification.
- Fucosidosis (FS) [DNA tested] = CLEAR
- Phosphofructokinase (PFK) [DNA tested] = CLEAR
- Cone-Rod Dystrophy (Cord 1 PRA/crd 4) [DNA tested] = CLEAR
- Hips ~ R:2/L:1 Total = 3 (tested at 2½ years old)
- Australian Grade = '1' International Grade = 'A2'
- Elbows ~ 0/0 Total = 0 (tested at 2½ years old)
- Goniodysgenesis (G) = UNAFFECTED
- Multifocal Retinal Dysplasia (MRD) = UNAFFECTED
- Generalised Progressive Retinal Atrophy (GPRA) = UNAFFECTED
(Instrumentation: 'Mydriatic', 'Direct' & 'Indirect Ophthalmoscope', 'Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy','Gonioscopy'). - Retinal Pigment Epithelial Dystrophy (RPED) = UNAFFECTED
(Eye Parts Examined ~ Adnexa, Cornea, Iris, Lens, Vitreous, Fundus = ALL UNAFFECTED)
(as of 12 October 2014)
Bubbles' arrival coincided with our busy show season up here ~ & she was literally dropped in the deep end! Within a week of landing at the airport we all set off on our annual trip enjoying the 'Top End Tour'; 18 Championship Dog Shows in less than 4 weeks ~ including one Gundog Speciality Show! Did she miss a beat or put a paw wrong? NO! Not a bit of it! She fitted right in like a pro, quietly slept in our motor home with us at night (we thought -5°C a tad too cold for a 12-week-old puppy to be out in the dog trailer!), eating everything & anything during the day ~ & then just to further prove to us all that she was born to do this & that she was not phased in the slightest ~ she strutted straight out into the ring & was awarded 'Baby Puppy In Show' on her first day out & in top company.
Continuing her first week of competition (& at the tender age of just 12 weeks old), Bubbles delighted us by winning 4 x Baby Puppy In Show AND 2 x Baby Puppy In Group awards! By the time she had reached the age of 6 months old, she was the proud recipient of 7 x Baby Puppy In Show, 12 x Baby Puppy In Group & 5 x Baby Puppy of Breed sashes, prizes & awards!
At home, Bubbles is best mates with Muriel our naughty Welshie girl & they NEVER stop getting into mischief together! Our girls are far naughtier than our boys it has to be said! Very bossy, Bubbles seems to be trying to pull rank on soft obliging Muriel already, although she doesn't get it all her own way we have noticed! She is also inclined to be a tad stubborn & has now worked out that she can just sit in the shade & pick us up, and rejoin us on the way home from a short walk in the heat of the day! She is extremely clever & actually stands working out problems ~ no blundering & blustering & chance of success with this young Springer ~ every move she makes is totally calculated.
Bubbles has now retired & spends her nights (& days!), lounging around lapping up the good life ~ everything a PrincESS deserves of course. Happily being waited on hand & foot by Michelle & gossiping 'girl talk', discussing the latest fashions & recipes with Porky!
All content copyright © 2015

Champ Rowemaris Champagne On Ice [AI]
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